motor wont start in cold

adam valentine

New Member
my motor hasn't started since it turned cold i replaced the spark plug and wire even tried starter fluid it wont even sputter I forgot to say it is a pull start and the choke wont stay back like it used to unless i hold it it is getting gas and im assuming spark anyone else with this problem?
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Please dont say your using 16:1 gas oil mix. If you are go to 25:1 for break in. Take the plug out and reattach the wire to it. Hold it to the engine, side of the plug body (metal part) touching, and try to start it. Does it spark. If it does then your gap might be off not wanting to fire properly inside the engine. I have mine at .028 and it works for me. You can run anywhere from .020 - .030. No spark double check your wire and cap. If not that, then your mag has probably gone AWOL. Could also be flooded. While you have the plug out (if no spark) turn off the fuel (you did turn the petcock on in the first place right?) and ride it with the clutch engaged for a hundred feet or so. It will spatter everywhere so put a cloth loosely over the spark plug hole. Here will be the most likely solution. Figure out a way to use your choke. Without the choke on, mine will take forever to start in the cold. Anything above 50 and it kicks over without it. Try this and get back to us. The more info you can give us the more info we can give you.
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"the choke wont stay back like it used to unless i hold it "

What do you mean by this? Is the choke staying open or closed? Most 2 strokes will require a little choke for cold starts. If the choke isn't working right, fix it.

Take the advice given previously about checking for spark.
Also check all of your wiring connections. If you are using the kit supplied plug-in connectors, get rid of them. Solder the wires together and use heat shrink tubing over the solder connections. Let us know what you find.
how much oil did you add to make it $10 a gallon? gas is between $3.05-$3.19 in my area per gallon, followed by like 5 FL OZ of oil at $4 a quart? so like $4 a gallon is the way i see it.