Ok, so yet another problem, and a solution to the 4stroking. New problem is my clutch is now spinning freely, as in fully engaged and I can still pedal with only a small amount of effort needed. Idk if I burnt it out or what, but it's not grabbing at all. And it turns out that if it's cold outside, my engine won't four stroke at all. On warmer days, it does. So, I guess I need to have two carbs, one for cold weather, one for warm weather. I made 35mph tonight on the Strip, and it is hella cold out right now. This also means I need a fuel line splitter with valves on each, but I'm going to keep the original on the tank as a master valve. Back to the clutch: I first noticed it spinning freely when all of a sudden, starting from a stop, I was making high rpms, but not getting to the speeds I was expecting. I rode all the way home from halfway down the Strip to Pecos and Washington, without disengaging my clutch, and that's a 15 mile ride. What could be going on with it other than contamination (it isn't contaminated at all) or the pads being burnt out or worn?