Mixing cylinder bodies?


New Member
Hi all, I picked up a PK-style lower end (Z-L rod/low wrist pin piston combo) and I was wondering if anyone has ever made a GT5 cyl/head work on this bottom end with extra base gaskets? Or are the port timings too far off between the two? Looking to see if anyone has had success with this combo or if it's just a big waste of time. I tried to search and couldn't find anyone running this combo. Thanks for your input!
this is always hard - one can measure height from base deck to head deck to determine how many gaskets and where, but then one must allow for that when measuring distances to ports to get that close to what it was

after that, there's the whole experimenting thing to see if moving gaskets around gives better or worse port timing

being old, I just start with matching stuff : (
Yeah, like Crassius said!
I've swapped cylinders around using gaskets to make up the height difference.
I've also used basegaskets to play with port timing.
Got a bunch of heads with with different heights (I filed them) to get the squish gap right.

Experiment, play! You will learn lots.