metamorphosis of a bike


minor bike philosopher
My bike did not start out full blown as you all know. I expect everyone's bike had a life of it's own, so I personally am curious about yours. My story you ask? Okay you didn't ask but I'm going to tell you anyway.

I decided to go gasoline after ebikes failed to give me the range I wanted in an errand runner. The decision to go gasoline was difficult. The bike goes to fast and it still leaves me sucking on the gasoline nozzle at the local convenience store. It was a compromise as most things in life are.

Anyway I bit the bullet and ordered a kit. When it came I had two candidates for the engine. One was the huge mountain bike the other was the sissy schwinn. The huge mountain bike's frame was too large and I really didn't want to drill it. The sissy was too small, but I could add a bit of heater hose to fill the gap. So after much thought it became the gasoline bike and the huge mountain bike became spare parts. I also decided more or less to go all coaster bikes at that time.

Before I installed the engine, I switched out the crank set on the sissy. It went from the 24" crank set to a 20" cranker. That put the pedals in a much lower and better location for my fat butt. Then on with the engine, added a broomstick to hold the gas tank and I was ready. Then I screwed up the engine big time but I got it fixed, thanks to messages and email with Norman.

Made a few kit changes of course switched the clutch lever and the throttle from the kit to things that worked better for me.

Now at that point I had a blue bike with a silver gas tank and rusty cruiser type handle bars. I had a spare green handlebar from the girls 20" bike. So on goes the ape hanger handle bars. I shot everything smurf blue. My wife hated that so I shot the front fender, which is still there the rear one was gone by that time, gas tank and handle bars aluminum colored. I tested the bike and even on the 24" wheel it seemed to run a little out of control for my slow mind. I decided to switch the rear wheel for a 20" wheel. It changed the look of the bike and gave me a bit slower ride.

Then I changed the frame color to black. I thought at that point I was finished and told the world it was done. Then I chopped up a 6volt lantern, added a rear blinker light and swore it was done. Then I decided to turn the front lantern into a red fog light since I didn't plan to ride at night. I pronounced it finished again.

Then I came up with the idea for a strong solid luggage rack made from pvc pipe and a broom handle. Then it screamed for a removable basket on the rear to carry tools and various store bought things. It is an errand bike after all. Now finally I was finished. No wait it still needed a bit more to personalize it. I made a poster for my billboard on the side of the basket. Okay now I have it all.

No wait the gas tank is so plain. Oh I know I'll put a decal on it.



I should rename this "bike with a job."
this is the latest picture
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Deacon, I really like it. That is a cool looking bike. I bet you can run lots of errands on that thing......................
I like to think it has attitude lol.... It ain't purdy but in this economy it is lucky to have a job.
Just kinda ended up like it did, there was absolutely no plan. I went with the Tim Taylor school of design. Keep improving it till it won't run anymore ever. The final looked a lot like a 1940 era police bike to me. That's why the paint job is what it is.
:crash::eek:I love the bike it looks meant to be, I'am a tall man , can see why anybody should whant to have there chin finally behind the front tire , instead of over the front . bike is truly cool if I was shorter this would be my ride coodles.
My story?

Bike no. 1- Bought for 35 dollars from the guy down the road, added a bicycle motor kit, sold it. It came back in shambles a few months later, it's almost done being soon.

Bike no. 2- Given to me in a state of total disreapir. Completely "refurbished" it, added a 70cc bicycle motor and rode it for over 500 miles with no problems, sold it. Never heard from the guy news is good news I guess.

Bike no. 3- not complete, building an antique replica.

Bikes 4 and 5, just ordered engine kits, still in the concept stage. One will be an off-road MtB with lower gears, the other will be a "standard beach cruiser type".
That was a good idea with the broom handle for the gas tank Deacon. If you hadn't have said anything I wouldn't have known :)

It looks good, nice jorb.