Meet the new dog!


Well-Known Member
My lovely Luna; American Bulldog passed away last month from some form of cancer. She was only about 8. I have been an ICU nurse for 25 years I've never seen anything move this fast. The last 3 dogs I've had all came from the dog pound. the last 2 Luna included were near disasters for the Cat. Luna eventually got over it but the Cat was never quite the same. This time I was determined to have a cat friendly pup as my Kitty is getting on in age. So This happened.
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Meet Umbra Maximus. Now 40 lbs of 13 week old Neopolitan Mastiff. Raised with cats. First pic is of her just before I picked her up at 11 weeks and 30 lbs Shes gaining almost .5lbs a day and should top out around 130. Daddy was 175 Momma was 130lbs. Yes. Thats her using the cat flap. This was self limiting. as she nolonger fits :) The Cat is not impressed. She was in hiding for a week and still will not stay in the dogs presence but it IS getting better. I think it will take a long time because the last adoption I brought home was a Cane Corso that looked alot like this puppy only 110 lbs. THat one wanted very badly to KILL the kitty. So this minature verson isnt going over well.
So sorry to hear about your pup's passing. At least you decided to give another pup a loving home. New pups can never replace the ones we've lost, but give us the chance to continue showing our love of dogs.

My old boy is 14 now, hips are getting weak, getting nice and chubby. I'm cherishing every day we have together (and spoiling the heck out of him). They truly do love us, were their world after all.