Massachusetts Registration Woes

If you want to register in MA, use the KISS principle and the clues are all in this thread, "vin" and "bill of sale" and the form filled out completely. Present that with $40 in cash.
the haverhill mass, registry i think was having a massive brain fart cause they never heard of these add on kits to motor your bicycle so they said a big terrifying NO!
please tell me that if i go to the lowell RMV that they will be able to register my 49cc single speed 2-cycle gas kit so i can get to work and keep my job?? :(
where would i find this "vin #" on the engine that doesnt have one?? or is it the manufacturer code on the underside of the bottom bracket? i dont care if i have to pay $100, i need the wheels.
the haverhill mass, registry i think was having a massive brain fart cause they never heard of these add on kits to motor your bicycle so they said a big terrifying NO!
please tell me that if i go to the lowell RMV that they will be able to register my 49cc single speed 2-cycle gas kit so i can get to work and keep my job?? :(

Just ask for a signed statement, stating that, so you can show police officers
and see how fast they find the laws! hahahaha nobody wants their name
on the line, lord forbid they might be responsible! oh our government LOL
I don't want to be a downer but a bike with a motor on it isn't a moped( motorized bicycle). Just want you to get that squared away. I have registered many bicycles with motors on them by doing the KISS method like Happy Valley. When it comes to filling the DMV forum be creative and if you state it as before 1981 many did not have 17 didgit vin numbers so if they asked tell them that fact(use a seven didget #). Simple Bill of sale as little info as needed. I would not go in and say i have a schwinn bicycle with a 50cc two stroke engine attached, no lights, horn, mirrors, dot approved rims etc. They meaning Leominster RMV the last time i was there wanted a picture also, so I showed a picture of a old puch I had on my cell phone.Didnt matter what they were showed. Again just be clear that if a state cop wanted to make your life **** he can. But ive never had a problem in years of riding around in middlesex county or suffolk or downtown beantown. Good luck Peace
where would i find this "vin #" on the engine that doesnt have one?? or is it the manufacturer code on the underside of the bottom bracket? i dont care if i have to pay $100, i need the wheels.

I have a 1993 mountain bike that I motorized. Motors do not have VIN's because they are not vehicles. I used the serial number from the bottom bracket as the VIN. Used the make and model of the bike for description and had no problem. You might want to try another registry office.
Today I went to the Danver's RMV in the Liberty tree Mall. I waited for 30 minutes to be seen. I had my paperwork filled out in advance. I left the VIN# blank because according to the new forms if you are motorizing a bike you need to fill out the "Bicycle Conversion to Motorized Bicycle Affidavit of Owner" I went in with both forms filled in.

The lady at the counter told me she'd never done one of these before but they had JUST had a training on how to handle them. She still had the memo and referred to it as she processed my forms. Things went smoothly after that. Her counterpart at the next booth told her I needed to put my serial number for the engine as the VIN#, so they had me write that in at the counter.

Then they took my $40, took copies of my forms, and then gave me back my forms and a shiny blue sticker for my motor assisted bicycle. Easy.

Make sure you are using all the NEW up-to-date and current forms. The guy at the counter told me that a lot of people are using the old forms and it's causing some issues. Here are the links to the new forms on the RMV website:

The registration form:

The affidavit of owner conversion:

As for the serial number for my engine? I made it up based on the date of purchase. I punched that number into the back of the little oval that came with the engine and then reattached that to the engine. Easy. You could just use the serial number on the bottom of the bike instead. It's not like they are checking the engine or the bike for where the serial number is located.

Good luck!