magneto on 80cc


New Member
my magneto got wet so i took a hair dryer and dryed it started up fine 2 hours later did not start until i took blow dryer to it again seems i have to do this all the time now...just to get it to run any ideas
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my magneto got wet so i took a hair dryer and dryed it started up fine 2 hours later did not start until i took blow dryer to it again seems i have to do this all the time now...just to get it to run any ideas
Moisture probably caused it
to oxidize, lightly sand the
surfaces and put a light
coat of oil on it.
Also check the wire connections,
They too could have oxidized.
How did it get wet in the first place? Is the cover flat?If not! Mark the mating surface with magic marker.Then with a sheet of sand paper on a flat surface sand off the marker pushing straight down on the cover in an X pattern until the marker is gone! Is the gasket OK? Use electrical grease for the connections. Kip.
[email protected]
I left the cover off overnight it must of got damp inside i take a hair dryer and blow hot air on it for about 10 min then it will start if it sits for a hour it won,t start then i have to do the hair dryer again to get it to start the gasket is fine ..
Something here doesn't sound right to me. I'm thinking there's something else wrong and it is just coincidence that the engine starts after a hair drying.
It could be flooded. Is there any fuel dripping from the carburetor or air filter?
Do you shut the petcock off when you're not riding?

As for the wet mag; did it rain on it, or just set uncovered overnight?

We'll need a little more information to help you out. In the interim make sure your ignition wiring connections, high and low voltage, are good. We always recommend that the wires from the CDI that connect to the engine leads be soldered and not rely on the plug-in connectors that come with the kit. Make sure the white wire is not touching anything (insulate it).
I'm backing 2door on this one!
A good way to tell for sure is to check for spark before using the blow dryer.
Take out the spark plug, put the boot back on it, touch the threads of the plug to the fins of the engine & have someone spin the back tire. (Make sure the clutch lever is 'out' so the engine spins with the tire.)