Magic Pie 3 on Trek 3500 disc bicycle

While I'll agree that wearing earbuds can be considered a potential safety hazard... I gotta say it cracks me up a bit that they're such a concern given that unless you've an ebike you can't hear anything anyway lol - it's a classic argument not limited to motorized bicycles, it's often mentioned w/motorcycling as well - by car drivers oblivious to the fact they drive around with their windows up & rockin' the volume set to eleven heh

TBH I never bothered w/music on any of my gasbikes despite the inability to hear traffic at speed, the reason wasn't for environmental awareness - it was due to my obsessive nature & wanting to hear how the bike was preforming, just in case there was a problem... particularly the jackshafted one. However, with the ebike every ride, every mile, every hour spent on the thing has been so uneventful, with no problems of any sort whatsoever I've taken to bringing along my tunes & poppin' in the headphones on the longer trips, when I'm not downtown & playing in traffic ofc.

With the volume set at a moderate level, I can still hear as much or more of my surroundings as I could w/o music on a gasbike, but in either case I must say that with or without tunes, headphones, speakers or nothing at all - at above 25mph wind noise makes the sense of hearing very deceptive and it can't be relied on in any case. You might hear a large truck suddenly accelerating, but you'll never hear that minivan veering all over the road behind you...

I'll admit wearing headphones and/or listening to music while riding isn't the safest thing in the world and a couple few bicyclists have taken the initiative to remind me of such - yet of those that chose to mention my recklessness not a single one had any kind of a mirror on their bike or helmet & of the two, hearing or seeing - I'd trust seeing far more heh

Mirrycle MTB Bar End Mountain Bicycle Mirror

Jus' sayin' ;)
thats the exact same rear view mirror i have on my bike. i find it to be the most important part of the bike. it has saved my butt more then once
Well I have decided I wanted to make the mountain bike into an electric bicycle designed to play off road. After mounting the battery in the frame on the trek pure I found out how well it will handle. I ordered on of the new water bottle 36v battery from that I can mount in the frame. I figure 36v will be more than enough power since you cannot go that fast off road anyway but I will also be able to climb any hill without too much effort. I am going to keep the trek pure with the magic pie 48v battery for traveling via roads and the trek 3500 with the smart pie for playing off road. I am big time excited. I think it will be light enough that I can turn hard, jump and play rough. I am big time excited. here is picture of battery and specs


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i agree kev. electric bikes have come a long way and they keep making improvements. i know i am very happy with golden motor products. they been real good to me
That's exactly the same mirror I have on several of my eBIkes as well. I've tried many and that's the best one. You can even whack it on various trees or even the side of the house a few times and it still survives. Comes loose every once in a while, quick adjustment with the allen key and its like new again!