Ludwg plays rhythm, sends crowd into frenzy.

Hey Lud! Been listening to some Jimmie Rodgers tunes from the 20's-30's. When you get a chance check out the Set of tunes he called Blue Yodel. I know it goes from 1 through 10. Pretty much the same gig every time with different lyrics. The fella sure could belt it out and some pretty creative lyrics. I like Blue Yodel #1 (T for Texas)

If you could pull that off on the street corner the patrons would be throwing $$ at you quicker than you could grab it.

Well, watch the Jimmie Rodgers video of him singing Sleep Baby Sleep and you'll see he had the "Tom Jones thing" goin' on way back then.

Well, I had a listen, Jimmie was a star and I'm not so I can't criticise, but it's not my thing even if I had a half decent voice. I'll carry on being broke but happy vandalising chords with a 19mm socket on my finger.
There's a point. The world really has changed for the worse. When was the last time you saw a good old swoon?