I purchased this for my 49cc, drilled out the stud holes and it ran fine. Much cooler but lower compression. If interested shoot me a PM with an offer and your zip.
nothing againce that 160$ head but when I had my 48cc dax with my 50cc puch hihi head on it I got the chance to ride a bike with one of the hi comp heads from CR machine. the differences in the bikes were as follow his was 66cc BGF had a aarow reed kit jag cdi and a piston port and CR machine high comp head . mine 48cc dax rse reeds stock cdi and a jug port puch 50cc hihi head. I enjoyed the ride on dudes bike he builds wonderful builds but its power was lacking and when it came to just starting it compared to mine it did not feel like it had the comp mine does. nothing at all agance CR machine head I plan on building a motor with one of them some day I love the look. but IMHO you can not beat the puch hihi head as far as bang for the buck.