Looking for a white 20" tire 2.125 or wider, street tread


The Boy Who Never Grew Up
I'm trying to find a 20 inch tire for my sidecar in all white or cream. It needs to be at least 2.125 in width, but 3.0 would be very good. I have found NOS 3" wide Schwinns, but am afraid of checking in a 1970's tire. Prefer new, recently made with a street tread. I think a knobby would behave badly on a sidecar. Anbody have one or know where I can find one. None of the usual suspects seem to carry it.
Thanks for taking the trouble to look. I saw that and may have to go that route. I did find one in a 2.125 width, but the tread is more like for a BMX and I think would be a rough ride and might make cornering more difficult. I really don't know what to expect with a sidecar having never used one, but I figured a street tread or slick would be best. Not many options in white. But I'll keep looking.
actually,if the side car tire is not straight accross from the rear bike tire,the knobby might allow easer cornering beacause it would not have as much rubber contact on the ground,it would allow small flexable contacts letting it scoot sideways in the corners