Longer coil wires

One of the things that I learned from racing is to solder all wires. NO PLUG INS OR CRIMP FITS!!! Because the theory is that the connectors can go bad from the high vibrations that occur in a race car; & what do our little bikes do?, THEY VIBRATE REAL BAD!!!
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wilderness??? spare cdi's??? what??? how many problems do you got....

. are you telling me that you need to change your coil pack often enough that you need to keep them quick release...maybe you should by your packs from a different supplier...and by the way the stock connectors are chinsy...

It's not how many problems so much as what's happens when they occur. I put thousands of miles a year on these bikes and trips involving hundreds of miles. Sunday riders who paint and fuss more than ride will not understand. Gas soldering irons not withstanding. (LOL!)
Sunday riders who paint and fuss more than ride will not understand.(LOL!)

Um i ride everyday! about 40-50km my bike is a peice of s--- unpainted and the frame is bent but it goes without trouble sorry crabs without trouble
Also its quite clear most do solder ( gas or electric ? )whateva but if you really wanna use the std fittings thats fine with me.
Um i ride everyday! about 40-50km my bike is a peice of s--- unpainted and the frame is bent but it goes without trouble sorry crabs without trouble
Also its quite clear most do solder ( gas or electric ? )whateva but if you really wanna use the std fittings thats fine with me.

Sorry if I insulted you. Apparently you've had good luck with those igntiions unlike myself and many I've done bikes for. I got a pile of bad magnetos and couple of CDI too. On the other hand I've never had el cheapo connectors fail in a way that can't be fixed in a few seconds with needlenose.

I do lots of soldering (it's my profession), but not out in the field, and not with one of those butane deals which I never found very useful.
Could be that i have never run a kill switch!

In fact not one magneto failure since I stopped using those too. Now I always stop with choke. Not sure if it's due to that or if it was a bad batch (couple of the locals still use sw yet no magneto failures for some time). I'm not positive but you may be right.
In fact not one magneto failure since I stopped using those too. Now I always stop with choke. Not sure if it's due to that or if it was a bad batch (couple of the locals still use sw yet no magneto failures for some time). I'm not positive but you may be right.

well i tell a lie. i have blown a cdi! how? when i tried to wire a kill switch!
I bought a toggle switch and wired it into the black earth wire. Went for a ride... nothin. i new id
poped the cdi, got a new 1... bang bang again. I have been to scared to try it again
Guys...it was a healthy debate. It helps all the newb's in the group. By the way I had the ignition wires or the cdi secondary wire soldered and heat shrink. All is well and working good. Thanks