lift that load... tote that bail


minor bike philosopher
Well not exactly but I had an idea. One day soon I'm going to hook up my trailer with the 16" bike tires, then I'm gonna hook up my trailer with the lawn mower tires behind it and I'm very carefully going to drive to home depot. There I am going to buy a half dozen 2x4.

I am going unhook the second trailer and load the front of the twobys onto the bike wheeled trailer. Then I am going to load the very end of the twobys onto the lawn mower wheel trailer. Kind of like a logging semi.

Then I'm gonna put on a red flag and take off home. I want to see the reaction of the four wheelers as they pass me.
The tremites will be chasing you all the way home. It ought to be a great picture, Kodak momentrotfl
I plan to do a few test runs first. I wonder if I were to hook a six foot two by between two of my trailers and rode around with it, would the cops stop me?