leaky carb

brown bull

New Member
My carburetor is leaking a little bit. I'd like to stop the occasional drip and tightening up the screws didn't help much. Is there a gasket in there? Sorry for being lazy and asking the board rather than looking myself.

Anyway, any way to stop the drip?
Check to make sure the connection from the fuel line is tight, also there is a little gasket on there. I checked mine the other day and needed to tighten it a 1/4 turn......There is a gasket between the carb body and carb bowl also......
If your fuel lines have been secured and your float bowl gasket is not leaking then you may have your float set too high. This can also cause the carb to leak. To fix this remove your float bowl and carefully bend the brass prongs down until the leak stops.
Is your engine mounted so the carb bowl is level? That could affect it.
