NH laws rule!! MB's are now there own thing!! They used to be classified as MOPED YUK! LOL
I've been riding an e-bike for a year then everything changed !! Got a DAX!! 80/70 about 3.5 hp I think, could be wrong. But its sure under 5.
Ride by cops alot, they must be aware of change or just don't care.
Section 259:65 Motor-driven Cycle.
259:65 Motor-driven Cycle. – ""Motor-driven cycle'' shall mean any motorcycle or motor scooter with a motor which produces not to exceed 5 horse-power, and any bicycle with motor attached, but not including mopeds.
Section 265:65 Special Speed Limitation on Motor-driven Cycles.
Section 265:65 Special Speed Limitation on Motor-driven Cycles
No person shall drive any motor-driven cycle in the night time at a speed greater than 35 miles per hour unless such motor-driven cycle is equipped with a lighted headlamp or lamps which are adequate to reveal a person or vehicle at a distance of 300 feet ahead.
EDIT: these are fairly new changes to the law. It was very different when you started this thread. I just saw how old it was