Law for Washigton riders

Just because you strap a motor to a bicycle does not make it a moped.This is the same problem we had in FL.If I strapped a shopping basket to a bicycle does it make it a shopping cart?No its still a bicycle.It doesnt matter what you put on a bicycle as it is manufactured and sold as a bicycle nothing can make it not a bicycle plain and simple.Now if you tell a cop its a moped your setting yourself up for some hefty fines.-Keith
Did you not read this, this is from the WA state patrol. Sure a bicycle is a bicycle but a bicycle with a motor is this. How do you think you would get around these laws?

The answer to your question depends on the type of motor on the bicycle.
If the motor is electrically powered, you are correct, you should be fine operating the vehicle if it meets all of the equipment requirements for a bicycle to be on the roadway and follows all the appropriate rules of the road.
If however the motor is gas powered, it would be classified as either a moped or motorcycle depending on the size of the engine and the speed it can obtain. If the engine is larger than 50cc OR the vehicle can travel faster than 35 mph then it would be considered a motorcycle and the operator would be required to have a valid motorcycle endorsement. If the engine size is less than 50cc and the vehicle travels less than 35 mph, then it is considered a moped and the operator would have to have a valid drivers license. In either case a bicycle with a gas engine would have to be licensed and have the proper lighting, mirrors etc. in order to legally operate on the public roadway.
Attached for your convenience are some documents that outline the definition and requirements for the classification of vehicles described above for your convenience.
Thank you for your inquiry.
What you have underlined is just the same as me saying adding a shopping basket or mini nuclear powerplant making it shopping cart or powerplant when no matter what its still a bicycle.Also that is someones personal opinion that is not a document written by the gov. of WA.
Actually, if you want to get technical, the definition of a moped in FL statues DESCRIBES a bicycle with a gas motor on it.

Any vehicle with pedals to permit propulsion by human power, having a seat or saddle for the use of the rider and designed to travel on not more than three wheels, with a motor rated not in excess of 2 brake horsepower and not capable of propelling the vehicle at a speed greater than 30 miles per hour on level ground, and with a power-drive systemI that functions directly or automaticaly without clutching or shifting gears by the operator after the drive system is engaged. If an internal combustion engine is used, the displacement may not exceed 50 cubic centimeters.
SANGESF, it says the exact same thing in the RCW's of WA. Yes it could be any vehical that meets the criteria, but this is a bicycle forum so im just speaking in bike terms.

Chriscraft, What i quoted was from an email that i recived from the WA state patrol vehical equipment division. For which i had posted earlier in whole, it is not someones presonal opinion , it is only backing up what the RCW and law states. The WA state patrol is still just backing WA law.
There is no problem putting an engine on a shopping cart, the problem begins when you begin riding it on a public street, lol.

Thats not what I was implying I was saying that if you add a shopping basket to a bicycle it doesnt become a shopping cart.The same would apply if you added an engine kit to a bicycle it just cannot in anyway become a moped.
That state patrol officer is giving you wrong information I suggest going to your local police station and have them print you out the legal definition of a Bicycle.
motor+pedals= Moped

Ive wrote the WA states attourny , the WA state patrol, the dept of licensing, and it it was the local police that cited the laws.
I have resarched every RCW and WAC code of WA.

With the exception of foot scooters Anything that has two wheels and a motor has to be registered as at least a moped and a valid DL is required.

Think what you want , argue all you want , it is the law and if the officer wants to enforce it there is nothing that can be done about it.

Definition of a bicycle= pedals
Definition of a moped= motor+pedals
Maby you need a new dictonary
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This is what you just said Motor and pedals Moped^^^^Not a bicycle
That's like arguing that the I.C.B.C. site telling you about what is legal here isn't. If the cop walks over to his computer and prints out the same page is it now legal because it's printed out? If a lawyer tells you the same thing is it now legal because the lawyer said so?

Either way...
Any state that allows electric bicycles at 20mph speed limit without the need for a license, SHOULD be allowing gas bikes (with the same limitations), not need a license either..
I really don't see the difference..
(The only real difference is that gas is flammable, but if someone is using RC LiPo, it's just as dangerous in a crash)..
It's the same here in FL..
Electric up to 20mph, no lic, reg, etc.
Gas (illegal) UNLESS you can get it registered as a "moped", but currently the DMV here won't register one as a moped, even if you wanted to.
You can, however, register a "homemade moped"...
Just don't take a bicycle and add a motor and expect the DMV to just register it as a "homemade moped"...
When I lived in FL I talked to many people at the Monroe County Sheriffs office and all of them said my build was legal.It meets FLs definition of a bicycle and nothing can change that.Ive also had many state patrol officers pass by me or just wave me down to ask how I built it.Although im not going to argue about this in this post because this is for WA laws not FL.
Just as in any state.. Law enforcement does NOT make the laws..
They can only tell you what they THINK they are..
Only a Judge can determine if the law is applicable.
So, I am about to build a motorized bicycle, I think... I just wanted to make my boring local errands a little more fun. But now I am absolutely confused after reading this entire thread; I figured I would just go to the DOL and get it registered... I do have a WA State driver's license. Two quick questions:

1. How would I legally ride an MB here in WA State? Or,
2 Is the MB unregister-able and therefore illegal?

I hope somebody knows the answer. I need a link or something definite (i.e. not a semantic debate about bicycles, motors, nuclear powered shopping carts, bigfoot, etc).

By the way, thanks so much Richirich for all the info thus far, it was very helpful.
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