

Custom MB Buiilder
With 1335 members we have right now! If everyone of our members had just one year of riding, (some have way more) we have 1335 years of try it and see!(^) I would break it down more but my calculator blew up It has an attituderotfl My mind hurts now :( Later Tramp (c)
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With some of us it's the same two months experience over an over. We are the ones who drag down the averages.
With some of us it's the same two months experience over an over. We are the ones who drag down the averages.


We all learn. Some just use negative numbers.

Yesterday I took everything apart, put a new shaft in, and ground my clutch cover/reversed the bolts. I do this mainly to check test bike #2 for wear, clean and such. Everything seemed nominal. I put a new style filter and fuel valve on as well. I even finally soldered and shrink sleeved my electrical connections. Hooked up, checked out, good to go....starts right up. Take off........going well......but lacking a bit on top end.....What's the matter NOW??:-||

I left the choke at about 1/4 on........................:p:o
I rode my new weed eater bike on half choke and wondered why it ran like crap all of a sudden.
With some of us it's the same two months experience over an over. We are the ones who drag down the averages.

I resemble that remark :o
in about a month since I decided I wanted a motor on my bike, I've only gotten one good days worth of riding in. I did get almost 100 miles that one day before the magneto went bad. And I learned something that day, so it wasn't a total wash:bike2:
I did get almost 100 miles that one day before the magneto went bad. And I learned something that day, so it wasn't a total wash:bike2:

Lucky, I got like 6 miles in.

but now that I have the new magneto and cdi, I've put on probably 30-35mi or so in less than a week. At least 6mi more tonight, as I have to get home from work :)