KMB Electric Folding Bike

Thanks! In that case the charger works as expected. I have to tape over the ugly crack, but other than that, smooth riding!

I have a general e-bike question. Is it safe to ride in wet or rainy conditions? Obviously general bicycle safety applies, but I mean in regards to the motor. The manual just mentioned general safety principles...but we know how accurate the manual has been.
Thanks! In that case the charger works as expected. I have to tape over the ugly crack, but other than that, smooth riding!

I have a general e-bike question. Is it safe to ride in wet or rainy conditions? Obviously general bicycle safety applies, but I mean in regards to the motor. The manual just mentioned general safety principles...but we know how accurate the manual has been.

Which model bike do you have...
It is safe to ride in slighty wet and light rain, but it will also shorten the life of the bike and stuff. Stuff like rust and stuff.

If you dry the bike and parts after you use it and keep it oiled u should be fine.
My son had something similar to that..... The frame is NOT well made... It literally broke in HALF when he went from the sidewalk to the road...
Buyer beware..
I have a KMB electric folding bike I received earlier today and I just can't get the motor to work. It came with the battery plugged in, and when I turned the key to "on" the lights on the battery indicator went all green with 1 red light at the bottom. I removed the battery to fully charge for the first time and the battery charger is always green with a flashing red light? no matter which way the key is turned, According to the manual this meant it was "connected to A/C power" and fully charged, so I plugged it back into bike and now the indicator is only the red light at the bottom..? It's horn and front light work but the engine has never started.. I really don't know if there's anything wrong with it or if it's just not charged yet. This is my first electric bike. If anyone still uses this forum help would be appreciated! (also Idk if this would do anything but I unscrewed the fuse without realizing it was the fuze and screwed it back on carefully If that might've done something let me know please):-||
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Great! Another problem... I decided to take it for a cruise while the battery "charged" (if it was even doing that) and the pedal just came off, not the pedal
itself but the crank arm and the pedal, It has a bolt shape to it and I can't screw it back on because it just turns the wheel? I don't know how it got off but it sure was alot easier than getting it back on. It was the left pedal. :-|| Help would be appreciated, this things giving me more problems than solutions.
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