kill switch


New Member
so i had to disconnect my kill switch to get the bike started, and I am wondering if it is bad to kill it via clutch? also how easily can i switch it with a motorcycle kill of higher quality?

i love my spookytooth!
You can buy a good kill switch at Radio Shack or anywhere you want that has a monentry switch. I kill all my bikes with the clutch, however. No problems.
Though you may here that its no problem to kill the motor with the clutch, the truth is, you dont see the problem till it wont run anymore. Technically any on-off toggle can be used as a kill switch. flip up for on, down to kill. mount it under tank, or somewhere else. It doesnt need to be on the bars. go crazy with it.
yeh I think im going to mount it under the main bar of the frame just under the tank. prolly goin to try a motorcycle kill switch
Though you may here that its no problem to kill the motor with the clutch, the truth is, you dont see the problem till it wont run anymore.


Using the clutch to kill the engine has no ill effects whatsoever. I have done it with dirt bikes and motorized bikes for a looooooooong time, no problems.
AND trying to kill the engine with the clutch, when the throttle is stuck wide open, and your heading towards an intersection, doesnt work very well........

Using the clutch to kill the engine has no ill effects whatsoever. I have done it with dirt bikes and motorized bikes for a looooooooong time, no problems.

That's bad advice Bikeguy Joe. Using a clutch to induce sudden stoppage is bad not only for the clutch with increased wear, it is not good good for the engine. You may do this regularly with normal motorcycles but the HT engine is notorious for its poor clutch and difficulty in finding replacement clutch pucks.
You dropped the ball on this response.

OP, if you can't use your kill switch, kill your engine with the choke.
This is to back up Bikeguy Joe...
I never hook up the kill buttons on any of my bikes!
I have never had a problem with the clutch from using it to stop the engine! I don't know why people say the clutches in the chengines are weak??? I ride my bikes hard & have NEVER had a problem with them.
If anything, the CDI / magcoils in the engines ARE notoriously weak & I would rather not have to ground them out to kill the engine.
The argument of, "what if the throttle gets stuck wide open" is probably the only good one i've ever heard on the "pro kill switch" topic. (but there are other ways to shut it off.)
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