Jug bottom gasket install


New Member
Hey everyone! One more head scratched,after replacing the jug base gasket do you need to replace the piston rings and re-break inn,or just re-install jug and keep motoring like nothing ever happend? Thanks,by the way,long time reader first time questions. Skyline Steve...
As long as the rings are not broke and you don't break them reinstalling the cylinder, just reassemble and ride it. Be very careful when reinstalling the cylinder (jug), carefully compress the piston rings, align them with the ring alignment studs as they were originally and you'll be good to go. No break in necessary.
Good luck.
Head Scratched? I am not sure I follow. Do you mean the cylinder wall is scored or gaulded? Pictures would be helpful of the piston and cylinder wall if you can get them. Generally if I replace a cylinder I replace the rings at the same time and break in rules do apply. If it was not scored and it has been a short time since replacing the cylinder base gasket you could well have an air leak that caused a lean condition. Scoring or gaulding will usually be worse on the exhaust side due to heat but if it only minor fine scratches on the intake side and the rings are free on the piston that is usualy indicative of trash getting past your air filter. As I said pictures are very helpful.
Sorry about the text ( head scratched) it was to read head scratcher,as in me scratching my Mellon in deep pondering thought.I blew my lower gasket,and have never had to remove the jug, I was wondering if there is any problem with just removing and re installing and take off down the road.I think Tom answerd my question,unless any one has other advice, thanks

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Two finger nails is all I ever used on these china motors to compress a ring. Then slip the jug on. I will never break a ring!
Thanks for the help everyone,I don't feel so alone(as the tear falls down the cheak)and I feel after the advise,I'll make it happen!