minor bike philosopher
I wanted to say something in a short concise manner but when I said it without explanation it didn't have any impact so I'll keep this as short as possible.
At the ripe old age of 22 I re-entered society. I worked a couple of years as a reporter then decided I needed to go to college. In college I met a bunch of silly kids. They were a whole five or six years younger than me. How silly their lives seemed to me at the time. I had nothing in common with them and trusted none of them. I was pretty much a loner till I met Iva.
Iva was a couple of years older than me even. She had three nursing certificates but did not have a college degree. She was doing a year to get her degree from the same school that accepted me as a student. Their high cost of tuition made them rather more open to taking a chance on us less than perfect students.
Iva and I shared one course and it was instant understanding. She had last worked on the hospital ship HOPE. Her experiences were totally different, but she did have a clue. Yes we got involved.
One night she was delving into my black soul, in bed of course. She said something that changed my life, though it took several years for me to understand it. She said, "Honey, people in general will be as good to you as you let them be."
When I see examples of that, I have to point them out. This forum is like that. The members here will be as good to other members as we let them be. We just have to ask for help and people will fall all over themselves to help. I know it goes against most of our experiences to see people actually want to help... No not willing, but want to help, but it is here. So to the members here thanks and I hope it stays this way. Iva would be proud of you.
At the ripe old age of 22 I re-entered society. I worked a couple of years as a reporter then decided I needed to go to college. In college I met a bunch of silly kids. They were a whole five or six years younger than me. How silly their lives seemed to me at the time. I had nothing in common with them and trusted none of them. I was pretty much a loner till I met Iva.
Iva was a couple of years older than me even. She had three nursing certificates but did not have a college degree. She was doing a year to get her degree from the same school that accepted me as a student. Their high cost of tuition made them rather more open to taking a chance on us less than perfect students.
Iva and I shared one course and it was instant understanding. She had last worked on the hospital ship HOPE. Her experiences were totally different, but she did have a clue. Yes we got involved.
One night she was delving into my black soul, in bed of course. She said something that changed my life, though it took several years for me to understand it. She said, "Honey, people in general will be as good to you as you let them be."
When I see examples of that, I have to point them out. This forum is like that. The members here will be as good to other members as we let them be. We just have to ask for help and people will fall all over themselves to help. I know it goes against most of our experiences to see people actually want to help... No not willing, but want to help, but it is here. So to the members here thanks and I hope it stays this way. Iva would be proud of you.