New Member
Alright, ive got some problems worse than not having enough juice to run my lights now. I received a reed valve on Thursday and planned to put it on my bike, so to compare sizes with the intake I had to remove the head (actually, I was stupid to think that). After finding some aluminum to make a "cage" out of, my stepdad asked "why do $100 in labor on the milling machine for an $85 engine" (I cant use the machine myself) So i put my cylinder back on, I destroyed the lower gasket with taking it off, so I ran without one, but I got to the head and thought "Which way does the gasket go???" well, I was in a hurry so I didn't look at the impression on the gasket. On Friday I started her up, and let her run at a high Idle like I always do. I let her warm up for about two minutes, then when I was going to get on it, the RPM dropped, like It was about to seize, but a couple of seconds later it returned to normal, so I rode off to school, it ran like crap, NO acceleration, had to pedal it to speed, it didnt want to Idle after the 3/4 of a mile run down a long straight road, and it seemed to run like the clutch didn't disengage. After school I took the top end off, didn't see any scratches in the cylinder, the head looked fine.
But I noticed that the top ring on the piston was stuck, so i pulled the piston off, and then noticed HUGE gouges in the piston, what had happened is the impression of the gasket was downwards, and little pieces were getting knocked off a little at a time when the piston would reach TDC, then one got caught between the ring, then the piston, then to the wrist pin, then out the exhaust.
So I emailed a guy about the cost for a whole to top end it is $50.00, Im 16 and jobless and $50.00 is a lot of money, but in the email he said "just buy a whole new engine and keep the old one for parts."
So if you have an old 49cc engine, maybe the clutch is gone, the sprocket is missing teeth, or its just not needed because you run a 66cc, would you please sell it to me, my bike looks weird as heck without an engine. All I need is the block, not the carb, or exhaust, just the block itself
But I noticed that the top ring on the piston was stuck, so i pulled the piston off, and then noticed HUGE gouges in the piston, what had happened is the impression of the gasket was downwards, and little pieces were getting knocked off a little at a time when the piston would reach TDC, then one got caught between the ring, then the piston, then to the wrist pin, then out the exhaust.
So I emailed a guy about the cost for a whole to top end it is $50.00, Im 16 and jobless and $50.00 is a lot of money, but in the email he said "just buy a whole new engine and keep the old one for parts."
So if you have an old 49cc engine, maybe the clutch is gone, the sprocket is missing teeth, or its just not needed because you run a 66cc, would you please sell it to me, my bike looks weird as heck without an engine. All I need is the block, not the carb, or exhaust, just the block itself

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