Is this new cylinder ruined?


Well-Known Member
After buying a new motor kit I decided to pull the cylinder off and look the motor over a little. It's brand new, never run.

This is what I found after pulling off the cylinder. Near the bottom edge of the cylinder theres a small demple, and there's a chip out of the chrome bore right next to the demple. Does this ruin the cylinder?

You would just have to run it to see what happens? Wow crap parts! It might keep chipping is what I think? I was reading some where else where somebody had a great looking cylinder on a few different occasions, to find out later the chrome wall fell apart taking the piston and rings etc with it.:o Dunno if it is trust able. Run it for a while and let us know?? lol
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The rings never reach that far down in the cylinder . It will be fine to run it like that , I have had cylinders that looked way worse then that and never had a issue with it .
I tend to agree. The rings will never touch that area so little to no friction against it.

This is a problem when disassembling a new engine. You've voided any warranty you might have had but at the same time you found a defect that would have gone unnoticed without disassembling...catch 22 anyway you look at it.

I'd just run that puppy and hope for the best. The odds are in your favor that it will never hurt a thing or cause you any problems.

You would just have to run it to see what happens? Wow crap parts! It might keep chipping is what I think? I was reading some where else where somebody had a great looking cylinder on a few different occasions, to find out later the chrome wall fell apart taking the piston and rings etc with it.:o Dunno if it is trust able. Run it for a while and let us know?? lol

Maybe they're more likely to fail if they look great. That would leave this one out lol.
The rings never reach that far down in the cylinder . It will be fine to run it like that , I have had cylinders that looked way worse then that and never had a issue with it .

I tend to agree. The rings will never touch that area so little to no friction against it.

This is a problem when disassembling a new engine. You've voided any warranty you might have had but at the same time you found a defect that would have gone unnoticed without disassembling...catch 22 anyway you look at it.

I'd just run that puppy and hope for the best. The odds are in your favor that it will never hurt a thing or cause you any problems.


I did notice the rings never get that far down the cylinder. I measured it.

Thank you guys for sharing your experience. It's a lot more reassuring to hear the voice of experience than guessing.
It sounds like the consensus is run it and it will probably be ok.

I think I'll use it, and just keep a close eye on the compression over time.
I tend to agree. The rings will never touch that area so little to no friction against it.

This is a problem when disassembling a new engine. You've voided any warranty you might have had but at the same time you found a defect that would have gone unnoticed without disassembling...catch 22 anyway you look at it.

I'd just run that puppy and hope for the best. The odds are in your favor that it will never hurt a thing or cause you any problems.

Do ya think the vendor could ever tell you had it apart? No big issue but I'm just sayin...I do kinda gotta wonder if that's not what happened to the guy that got his kit with the piston not yet installed? The price of shipping and the time waiting for return parts makes a warranty kinda a mute issue to me tho. Then again just as a matter of principle a fellah ought to make an attempt to keep em honest LOL

We need a smilie with a Chinese flag flyin off the back of the bike..flg.
It is my beief that that the chip can be sanded down as the piston do not go that low, re assemble the engine, first flip the cylinder right side up and mark on the outside where the top of the dimple is, leave the head off so you can see exactly where the top of the piston and or rings bottoms out if nothing is effected by the dimple yer good, but really the piston shouldn't go that low in the cylinder
the piston crown does not go down past the transfer ports!?? why did they do that? who knows? as long as the imperfection [china motors??] does not stick out to scratch the piston id say its a good spot to store extra oil just in case. i'd worry more about a crack or peal in the chrome
We're all going to find out together. I'm planning to use this cylinder. I'm going to watch the compression, and if anything seems unusual I'll yank it off and inspect it.