Imperial cycles

Has anyone dealt with these guys? I've heard mixed stories about them....
I tried to buy some stuff off them quite a while ago and they don't
return phone calls.
I finally got the guy on the phone and he said he would call
me back the next day and I am still waiting......

I am pretty sure that they are out of business.
I sent him an email and he has already replied back 6 times. I'm going to do a little more research. He has a set of rims I really want....
Moto Thanks for posting this! I have been wanting something like this for a long time and BAM! you gave it to me Thanks again (I LOVE THIS COMMUNITY)
Thanks moto! I've also been researching halo rims. They have what I'm looking for. I can get a complete set shipped for $218. I would just need to get a sprocket from kings. How do you order from kings..I was a little lost on their site? Guess I could just call them...
Hey post the wheels you are getting. 218.00 shipped is good. All of them seem in the 200.00 plus 65.00 shipping.