I'm so flipping pissed right now....


Master Bike Builder & Forum Sponsor
My home/business cable net is down until Thurdsay (soonest they can roll the cable guy)....I think my rental cable modem died (again)....fuqers.....I just have too much going on to swallow this puke.....


Thanks for letting me vent. Carry on.

My modem from the phone company gave me all kinds of trouble...I think they replaced it four times.

I finally went and just bought my own and have had no trouble with it yet (so far).
Pablo, It ain't that bad, (I hope) If you have the $ for it, go to a computer parts place and get a little unit called WI-FI antenna. They should know what you are talking about. It's like a modem but not as strong, and it will get you going again. Win XP will do everything but install the drivers for it. It will come with a cd. The drivers are there. It will only work in the city, or very near public librarys RV parks ect. Or do what I dorotfl Go to the internet place grab the geek by the neck and tell them you would like a new modem. Take the other one with you to return. Hope this helps. WI-FI will plug into a
USB or PCMCIA port. Later Tramp(c)
I Hear You Guys !! If I Lose My Connection, Its More Upsetting Than Losing My Wife ! I Lost Her Due To Illness, She Got Sick Of Me ! (?) Apparently Its Incurable, She Never Got Over It (the Disease). A Computor Without Internet Connection Is Like A Boat Without A Sonar Or Bottom Finder (fish Finder). :( Thats My 2 Cents.