a helmet law wouldn't bother me so much,i wouldn't want it to go thru,but i ive got a DOT helmet i use that looks like a WWII helmet i wear when i used to drive my harley.I seen SB1351 while doing a search for other Bills that were introduced or sponsored by Steans. It seems as though she is a necessary evil right now. She's pushing for these bikes to be legal and accepted as such, but yet wants to require helmets for all motor driven cycles.
The good part is we have a good voice in our support for getting these bikes legal, but we have an even greater mass voice opposing the helmet requirements. Most motorcycle groups aren't really going to give much thought to the motor-bicycles one way or the other. But I guarantee every one of them will speak up on the helmet bill.
i think for the time being,we should get some stickers and maybe a phony website up to make it look like we support disabled cops or something.that way when the cop pulls us over we can say we raise money by riding to support local cops.lol maybe they will let us get away with it?