Hello, i am new to the community, my name is Daniel. nice to meet you. anyhow, i have had a 80cc engine kit from "kings motor bikes" before. i drilled the holes wrong in the frame, mostly because i didn't research enough. anyhow the bike lasted almost 3 months ( i got lucky) until the back axle bent and pulled the engine from the frame bars, simultaneously as i tryed to compress start it one day. anyhow, i'm starting from scratch again and the huffy model with the awkward shaped bottom bar didn't quite work so i am wondering what kind of bike models would be ideal. i am looking toward the KULANA "Moon Dog" model because it's only $149 new, but i'm not too sure if it's best. my other question is, what do you all prefer: Dax, Kings, Or boy go fast engines. Boy go fast is cheaper, and i need a less than 50cc because i live in oregon (moped laws) and also wish to get the better deal for the buck. i'm new to this hobby so any suggestion i would encourage. Thanks a bunch, Dan.
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