I raced a Ruckus on my Motorized Bicycle

Re: I raced a Ruckus on my MB

People race mine (china grubee) all the time...in their cars. Usually with someone gawking out the back passenger window and fiddling with a phone camera. hahaha. I usually just continue with the same speed I was going when they started egging me on, and watch in case they decide to brake-ram me. For some reason a lot of people like to change lanes in front of me, then slam their brakes and turn right with no signal.
Re: I raced a Ruckus on my MB

People race mine (china grubee) all the time...in their cars. Usually with someone gawking out the back passenger window and fiddling with a phone camera. hahaha. I usually just continue with the same speed I was going when they started egging me on, and watch in case they decide to brake-ram me. For some reason a lot of people like to change lanes in front of me, then slam their brakes and turn right with no signal.

Yeah....I wish I had a camera and a handgun handy everytime that has happened......and people who text while driving should get the death sentence and I really mean that.....seriously.

So many idiots on the roads these days.....please ride with utmost care!

Re: I raced a Ruckus on my MB

I think I know where he lives. It's near my sons house. I'm going to go back there and terriorize his neighborhood on my MB lol. They better hide their womens


Heh heh. They look like a larger version of a mini Briggs bike to me. Plus you can't pedal if you run out of gas, no thanks :)
Re: I raced a Ruckus on my MB

Yeah....I wish I had a camera and a handgun handy everytime that has happened......and people who text while driving should get the death sentence and I really mean that.....seriously.

So many idiots on the roads these days.....please ride with utmost care!


Please draft that BILL up.. I'll sign!!! We can send it to congress!!!!
If you can put in a limiter or governor in a car to where you can't start it for a solid minute after opening your car door and siting down...
That way you can take a minute to reflect on the fact you are operating a motor vehicle that weighs a ton and a half.
I'd really appreciate it....
Thanks. Let me know where to sign..
FLIK 1..usflg
Re: I raced a Ruckus on my MB

Supposedly France requires drivers to carry a breathilizer kit or install a breath reader in their car now, everybody, any age. I'm not sure if I like it, but maybe it works for them.