i need selecting a welder

to bad you cant buy a 499$ miller lol i personally tig better than migweld idk why i think its way easier.


How could'ya not know why it seems "easier"? Odds are you're relying on TIG's ability to fusion weld - to pool the to separate pieces of metal together w/o filler, "stitching" the puddle with the plasma ball alone. While this is a perfectly acceptable method for nonstructural butt & corner sheet metal welds, the problem is if you're not really careful you'll end up with "lows" - undercut and voids.

Where TIG gets really tricky is manualy feeding the filler rod precisely while maintaining an exacting arc distance with the tungsten - coming in with just the right amount of filler to uniformly "crown" the weld while keeping your pace, rhythm, and spacing with your other hand. Throw in a foot pedal for controlling "heat" through amperage, the need to increase your bead speed due to the metal itself heating up and/or decreasing amperage with that foot pedal - and you find yourself in a complex mutitasking "dance" - while this complexity in fact offers the potential for extremely high quality welds, it's simply not something that can be achieved without lots of practice.

If you TIG "better" than MIG with a $500 machine and "don't know why" - yer doing it wrong and I'd not trust those welds ;)
i know how to tig weld just fine thanks though. ok let me rephrase this I can tig better than mig and prefer tig i'm not welding bulldozers im welding intricate bike parts. none of my machines cost 500$ either I only buy millers
Sweet! lol - I for one haven't welded nufin' in years, I've not the equipment... *sigh*

So, yer welding intricate bike parts? Like what?

Pics puleeeze? :D

anyways , thanks for everyones input . i think i,ll be happy with the lincoln 140 . it should do the trick for all those ( feel like weldin something together moments )

it was a close call , the sale actually ended the day before , but i moaned and groaned about it untill they gave it to me for the sale price .

the store also has these collectable coins ( with a perchase of $25 or more ) so i held off on the nozzle grease and anti-splatter spray . gonna go back and get another coin today .
thats not a bad deal , but just on an added note , the 125ez is a flux core welder only , and can not be converted to gas shielded mig .
Re: Pic Thread: Post pics of your bike or a bike you think is nice!

these bikes are on a whole other level!nice stuff on here some really good and creative work.as soon as i get some more tools and a welding machine.......

I was thinking about getting a used welding machine... but i don't know what kind to get??? i am trying to keep it under 100 or at least close to it.
Re: Pic Thread: Post pics of your bike or a bike you think is nice!

I was thinking about getting a used welding machine... but i don't know what kind to get??? i am trying to keep it under 100 or at least close to it.

ARC welder is all you will get for 100 bucks and you wont have alot of success welding bike frame if you have never welded before with an ARC...Not saying it can't be done, it can if you are very good with an ARC welder, its a much more difficult welder to learn on than the other options IMHO.

Flux core mig is your best option for you if your on a budget (yes yes gas mig is superior we all know, its just nowhere near this fellas budget)

LIL gassless migs can be used very successfully for frames, i'm on my 5th custom frame now with a sub 200 dollar flux core non name brand welder from ebay...had it 2 years going strong as the day i bought it...

Buy it practice with it, then build the bike of your dreams, i did...and still am haha

Best of luck

I was thinking MIG... i just wanted to know how good arc welders were... and yes sadly my budget is small due to the fact that I'm only 17... thanks.