I am ready to roll again?

That is a good turn around from a crash where you are wondering if you are still in one piece. It does feel good to ride again.
Congrats on the healing up. I am glad you are back riding. As the old saying goes never let the (fatherless) people beat you down.
Made it home fine took me 2 min longer nice safe round trip, Thanks guys, it nice to have some people that understand why it's important to get back on that Horse.^5
The one thing I would suggest, I know it had nothing to do with your accident, is to find the best route even if it takes a little longer. Best defined as the least traffic since cars are by far my biggest fear.

I say that because riding these bikes should be fun not stressful we all have enough of that in our lives as it is;
Yeah I took that advice from the onset Now I just aviod the one street with that problem and all is good, (^) I drive trough the tecnopark which in Quebec means empty place. rotfl