Well Alright!
Ordered a cdi and magneto from Dax. Shipping was very quick, got it today. Swapped in the cdi, went to start it and heard the pop corn popping. Did a couple of runs around the block, and it seems overall pretty good. I did notice some minor smoking coming from the top of the engine. Could it be burning off old fuel and oil on the plug or within the cylinder? It still feels a little less powerful than before, just very slightly. I'm not sure if this is due to new cooler plug, bp7hs. I will wait a bit to see if the commute tomorrow smoothes things out before I worry too much. However, I'm starting to suspect that the black cat muffler is robbing me a bit on performance. I know you guys all are big fans of the expansion, but It seems either too big with the SBP kit, or loud with the grubee one they have at spooky tooth.
Now that I know it was a the cdi box, should I go back to a larger spark plug gap, like say .030 0r .035? I know if your spark is on the weaker side due either to the cdi, or running a light off the white wire (which i'm not but thinking about) then you should gap smaller. But what is the benefit or effect on the engine of gapping larger?
Also, I totally dig the the no kill switch simplicity. And I am sooo happy to get rid of the ugly wires coming from the kill switch. The clutch/brake shutoff does still seem a little brutal. I misread you guys before, by "choking it out" you meant by putting on the choke and that should kill the engine. I tried shutting off the fuel valves but that took forever.
Thanks again you guys for helping me with this. I'm back on.