hurt bad and it wasnt user error

Dooood.... talk to a lawyer!!! (seriously!!)

He'll do everything for you!

Good advise. Really. They will talk to you for free and you can stipulate that you want to protect your teacher and school. Knocking some one off any thing is a good indicator, that guy is a wee bit off. Getting free advice can not hurt ya....
My question is if this is such a great teacher why didn't he/she call the cops right then and there? Do not listen to any vengance advice as that is like pouring gas on the fire. You already told me this guys a looser barely comes to school...he most likely has a hard road ahead of him. Did you ask this nice teacher what to do? It's not like the whole dang school don't know already anyhow. That teacher should be fired if he/she just stood there and did nothing. What if it had been a gun? Is that what it takes? Injuries like this can effect you the rest of your life you need to speak up for nothing more than future reference.

I was jokin about the books.

Folks it is kinda dumb to suggest illegal means online or otherwise period. It takes effort not to let your emotions take control. What goes around comes around.
Fast hey! Here if you dont have eye witness account the police will take a report and say well try to catch them..........Some times JUSTICE REQUIRES ACTION!
wow so sorry to hear about that...there needs to be some type of charges though compound fracters are life threatening...dude if i was closer id come whip that boys ass for a pretty big guy and people tend not to mess with me....even if you dont press charges or sue you got a right to be mad...pee in his bookbag or something....once again im sorry to hear about this...that sucks

ps i was a deffenceman all the way through highschool...i was always good for a fight or used to have me take a kids number....ill gun for him....what just happened to you makes me feel like this guy just hurt one of my i want to lay him out center ice
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hahaha well i intend to do something, my teacher was a good teacher, right after the crash i kinda bounced back up and started swearing and screaming at the kid, i was so mad my new bike that i finaly got the kinks worked out of was wrecked, it was only after all my buddies started gasping i realized i was hurt, the best is when one of them pulls out his cell phone, looks away and, *snap* takes a few pictures, lol after that i knew it was bad, never seen my bone before? not as white as it should be, i need more milk! anyways my teacher did the best he could, he chased the kid down and brought his ass to the office,
If you don't go after any monetary compensation, remember that revenge is a dish best served cold. Does he drive a car? If so, sometime just pour some Tink's #69 Doe-In-Heat Buck Lure in the fresh air vents at the base of his windshield...

man I'm glad you aren't mad at me! That stuff stinks to high heaven and never goes away. The only thing that is worse is fox urine. One of my employes spilled some in one of my work vans and three years later you could still smell it.
If you are hurt and bone was exposed and your parents did nothing, that is just a bunch of crap.
Where are they? What did they say? "Don't mess with the bully, he may beat you up or steal your stuff....again?
Seriously, why haven't your parents called the school AND the police?
And yeah, don't do any of the suggested retaliatory measures, then you are in the wrong.

yeah i know that,
i went straight to the office after the crash, my mom came, talked to the principal, the kid was suspended for a week and the principal said he will contact the kids parents the next day, i was then rushed of to the doctors to be examined, i got a tetanus shot, and alot of alcohol and tweezer picking to my wound, then they wrapped it all up and sent me on my way, there were no bones jutting out but the road rash went down to the bone because it was a track that had cleats run on it 5 hours a day for years so the ground was like little pins,

more will happen, i am going to work something out legally, because that was just not a smart thing to do to me, and that kid is unsafe to be at a public school
Joe, funny I was just thinking the same thing as I was surfing.
Why hasn't the school been all over this to save themselves a law suit? His parents didn't say anything? I'd have been on that as fast as could be if it was my kid.

Joe, funny I was just thinking the same thing as I was surfing.
Why hasn't the school been all over this to save themselves a law suit? His parents didn't say anything? I'd have been on that as fast as could be if it was my kid.


well as far as i can see there are alot less lawsuit's in canada, its just not the canadian way, atleast from what ive seen, but it can be and will be done here,
lol your from bc, well around here ive never seen our school get sued, some kid got the tip of his finger sliced of in woodshop and nothing happend lawwise
linnix13., I'm Ont. born and raised and yes it's true we are not as sue happy as the US.
Having a piece of your finger cut off in the work shop class is not like having some a** hole knock you off your bike.
Stick you lunch hooks in the saw and that's your fault. I'll show you three of mine that went though the saw not once but twice. You can't sue for being a dumb a**. If you could I'd be rich.

You still have a chance to buy insurance at the start of school? That's how schools cover thier a**. You don't buy insurance, well you took the responsibility to look after you own problems.

They don't want to bother the football hero? He gets a week off school? Big deal. He'll be back in time to play. Can't lose a big time player.

A lawyer might want to know why he was able to assault a student and get a week off. This wasn't an after school punch up. He was out to hurt you big time. If you landed a different way you may have found out how much of a joy it is when your legs become wheels. I have knowledge of that to. Another rap I beat but barley. I'm now crippled up from that and 45 years later I may be in that chair yet.

Here's a hint whiz bang. Girls don't find guys in wheel chairs sexy.
I heard creepy used a lot. Another thing you find out just who your Bubs are! Hauling the crippled guy around cuts down on the ability to pick up Chicks so you would have been sitting at home a lot by yourself.
The recovery is worse than anything you ever pictured.

So when you think it isn't worth going after this low life, think about what could have happend. There just aren't enough million in this world if you had just landed the wrong way. You could have asked Superman.

You know you are really the bigger person if you can forgive this guy and pray for him...he doesn't have to know cause I doubt he would comprehend. It totally changes your perspective/motives when you do that. It doesn't mean not to seek some action to correct him either. I think it is kinda the way I spanked my kids when they were little I always waited till the anger went away before doing it and almost always got a hug back. I hope you heal quickly!
well thanks, and about landing, luckley im on the beefy side so i kinda bounced, but if i had of landed on my head, all the students that saw me crash said they doubted i was getting up, but i did, so fight the odds, but i will persue this(no pun intended it was a typo:-{)

im going to see what will happen, this kids gone to far,