Huffy Ultima with Lifan 79cc

Forbidden Tuna

Active Member
Sep 3, 2019
Kings Mountain, North Carolina
Hey guys thought I'd show some of my progress with this bike. Found it at the thrift store for 40 bucks, already had the Lifan 79cc from a mini bike that I salvaged, and thought I'd try a shifter build.
It's just a 3hp engine so I think it's tame enough for the SBP bearings. I am just about done with the build.

I bought a SBP 1 way bearing set with two sprockets, I'll post the tooth count later it's been over a year since I purchased them. Clutch is 12t #35 going to 36t primary reduction. Has 6 speeds in the rear used to be an 18 speed.

I welded the old mini bike engine mount to the Huffy frame, cleaned up and painted black. Nothing special.

The original shifter was mounted on the neck, when I added the SBP bottom I lost the need to shift one derailleur. This Lifan still has the original carb but I removed the governor internally while keeping original linkage. I moved the old shifter levers to the new cruiser handlebars so I shift with my thumb and also throttle with my thumb. Reminds me of an old old Triumph with their thumb throttles.

I took whatever gas tank I had laying around, I think it's a 3 liter.

The seat post is 1/2" black iron pipe bent at a 90 degree angle to suit my long legs. I rode around with no engine and it's fine, though I may add a gusset for extra strength and more looks. I took the saddle off while welding but it's just an eBay special leather sprung saddle.

I just need to size up my chain running from the secondary to the chainring, add a tensioner to keep that chain away from my throttle linkage, and obviously trim down the 5/8, shaft. I'll have to look at my original napkin math for the top speeds it should theoretically go but from what I remember I kept it mild. Maybe 45 max if it could even go that fast.

I wanted to finally finish this bike before I start on a much more ambitious project and I had everything prepped then shelved it for a year. Got most of the progress done today on my day off thanks to the prep work.

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I'm not dead set on this gas tank, I don't like how close it gets to the OHV cover.