How to keep clutch shaft bearings in place?


New Member
Both the bearings were bad, so I replaced them. I had a heck of a time getting the new bearings in place, I even damaged one in the process. I got them in by heating the case and making the case openings a little bigger. Apparently I made them too big and they want to slide out of place.

Possible solutions:
1. Add a couple of set screws to hold them in.
2. Epoxy them in place.
3. Buy a new case, or used case.

What should I do?
I have an engine case for a Dax 70cc engine that uses the large studs to hold on the cylinder I'd sell.
Thanks Norman, but I think I got it, I used quiksteel (epoxy putty). Your guides have been very helpful to me. I would have bought the stuff Joe suggested but couldn't find it on AZ's or AAP's sites. Can't wait to get my pocket bike pipe put on. The difficult part is going to be the jetting.
my clutch kind of fell apart on me. Something that would hold in the grease aparantly isn't holding in the grease anymore. Any suggestions where i could find a good guide on how to rebuild the clutch? I have a spare motor that had issues in the head that i could use for parts. thanks guys
THAT IS INSANE!!!! thank you soo much..... now i can't wait for a day off to do it. One last question. I noticed a lot of grease coming from behind the clutch sprocket. So i assume when i do this, i must put some back? any idea how to do that?.... thanks again.... i'm very impressed
Ok... so I have taken the covers off of each side of the clutch... removed the nuts, little washer thing.... and clutch pads... but the sprocket and the parts that hold the clutch pads do not come off.... try to give them a little gentle persuasion... but nothing... any suggestion?