How much hp do I need?

One thing that you will really need is extra balloon tires none of which that I know of exist. Having said that your idea is not realistic. Even if you outfit the bike with superior brakes and beef up the frame at all points of stress. Your traveling at speeds that require tire that have enough volume to absorb uneven road surfaces holes and such if you use a typical balloon tire the largest you can find it will not be enough and you will lose control when moving at speeds over 40-45mph.
your idea is not at all realistic, to go over 45 mph you will need a large volume tire none of which will fit a bicycle.With out larger tires uneven road surfaces will be to much stress on the tires. The typical bike tire will hit a hole or uneven road surface causing you to lose control. 60 on a motorcycle is somewhat risky on the highway, there are mufflers and assorted things that fall of trucks dead animals etc. I can't imagine doing 60 sustained for long periods down the road.
Today i hit 50 mph and it was super scary--because last week i blew off the chain and it wrapped around the spocks on the rear--tires are fully studded--stopped me dead almost run over by woman in car--i now fully check bike each time- -but 60 plus WOW