With motors, two 63 Americans that are my regular riders, two recent Chinese made Huffys to sell this summer, one 39 Elgin almost done, one 34 Elgin in transition from Electric to gas. One 38 Elgin undecided whether it will get an engine or not, but either way is for sale, one 1950 Schwinn Panther?Hornet/Motorbike awaiting an engine, but ready otherwise and will be for sale, one Worksman Newsboy ready for a motor and also done otherwise ready for a motor and for sale. One 55 Huffman 24" undecided what to do with. One 68 Schwinn step through ready for a motor. Some of these bikes are with me and others are in Minnesota where I live most of the year.
I'll be trying to sell bikes this summer for the first time, which is why I have so many. Once i sell something I can buy motors and try to sell others. I imagine I'll always have two or three for my use and also stuff to work on to sell. I think two or three is about the right number to have. I'm 65, going on 13.