how Ingenius are you? test one...

you know I never thought of those. That is an excellent suggestion. How does one go about finding them. I had heard from the first gulfwar that with enough texas pete (made a few miles from me) that they weren't half bad. I'll have to google a source and try some just to see for myself how they taste.


I have found that you can find them at the Army surplus stores. They do tend to jack up the price for them though. Another place to check is on the internet. There are lots of websites that sell them, but they tend to want you to buy cases upon cases of them. I had heard that they will last for 10 years or longer if stored properly.


Here are some photo's of a guy (cant remember, might be Roland) from Spooky's who rode 1200miles from Tucson,AZ to Trinidad,CO with his dog.




Check out the other pic's here:

Spooky Tooth Cycles - Motorized Bicycles: Gas Powered and Electric Bikes
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Notice the flex tube he added to the exhaust pipe that run's all the way to the back of the trailer, I guess he did that for his dog (^)