1.) Another question, well I guess I'm looking for some tips. I got my motor mounted up and it was a little tight inside the frame on my mountain bike. well the thing is I'm going to have a really hard time getting my plug out with a socket and I'm not sure I can get a box end wrench between the cooling fins. I could just cut the plug off with a cut off wheel, but then getting the new one back in is the same problem. any Ideas?
2.) Also I was taking the nuts off of the head studs and the whole stud came out, well not thinking when I put it back in I added an extra washer and well there wasn't enough threads catching and I pulled the first three threads out of the engine(great haven't even started it yet). Well I got the capped nut off of the stud and put a bb in it and tightened it on the stud and then worked the stud back in past the stripped threads. I got about 1/4 - 1/2 inch in before the nut and washer touched the head, it tightened down fine, will I have any problems down the road. Kinda long post, sorry.