How Do I Upgrade From Coaster Brakes?


Well-Known Member
I just assembled "The Dragon Lady", a twin-engined Raleigh girlie cruiser. It has a modified pocket bike engine on front friction drive and 2.2hp Mitsubishi engine on rear friction drive.

I have not run the bike yet.

It has EXTREME power and needs brakes to

The front fork has vee brakes, rear has coaster. I need to upgrade rear brakes, maybe eliminate coaster entirely.(I have had major coaster brake lockup at 25 mph.)

Is there any way to install vee brakes or the rear and freewheel the rear sprocket?

Thanks for help.
Thanks but that project doesn't work for me.

That topic should be titled "Coaster brake conversion to FRONT drum brake for motorized bicycles".

I already have good front brakes. I'm trying to eliminate the rear coaster brake and install rear vee brakes and freewheeling..bld.
after two coaster brake hubs crappin out on me i bought a new freewheel single speed hub and and old school hand brakes and have been happy ever since. in my experience having a coaster brake is just one more thing that could posibbly crap out on you:-||
i anew single speed freewheel hub and wheel would be the way to go and while your at it see about doing a rear disc break that would give you the most stopping power. I run 3 brakes front and rear side pull calipers on a duel pull lever and a coaster that doesn't get used much but is nice to have when it is wet outside

there is my two cents
I'm leaning towards Huffy and mike's suggestions of single speed freewheel hub.

mike, what are old school rear brakes?

Disc brake might not fit because I have 36tooth rear sprocket. That's for my next upgrade of Titan chain drive assembly and 2.2hp Mits engine on this bike.
sorry by old school i mean the calpier brakes that mount to a single centered hole in the frame or hole in the front forks plus they are cheap and work well enough not as well as disks but once you start looking a disk ready hubs the price on the wheel really starts to increase. the last bike i built had discs in the rear and honestly with a top hat adapter the sprocket went on like butter dance1
i bought my brakes in a bag at the bike shop for $20 came with 2 handles (crappy) 2 brake cables and the "old school" calipers mike is write they just bolted to the holes in my cruiser frame. i had to hang the back one upsaide down but as long as the pads reach the rim is all that matters.

i did add a duel pull lever i think it was $15
I just assembled "The Dragon Lady", a twin-engined Raleigh girlie cruiser. It has a modified pocket bike engine on front friction drive and 2.2hp Mitsubishi engine on rear friction drive.

I have not run the bike yet.

It has EXTREME power and needs brakes to

The front fork has vee brakes, rear has coaster. I need to upgrade rear brakes, maybe eliminate coaster entirely.(I have had major coaster brake lockup at 25 mph.)

Is there any way to install vee brakes or the rear and freewheel the rear sprocket?

Thanks for help.
If you REALLY want the best rear wheel brake, sprocket, and heavy
duty spokes package , then check out Ebay. Type in "direct drive wheel
motorized bicycle" and you will see what I mean. It ain't cheap for
$229.00, but it is THE BEST you can buy. After all how much are your
medical bills gonna' cost ya, when you blow thru a stop sign or light?
Huffy, sometimes the simplest cure is to buy a 21-speed bike that has better brakes and suspension fork.

A friend is selling a Raleigh Venture 3.0. This bike allows people with short legs to touch ground. If it's a 17" frame with suspension fork, I'll buy it.

I went down to the bike shop I'd bought the bike from and asked about cruiser rear brakes. Owner said the distance from rim to proposed brake attachment is too far.


I might temporarily rig a crossbar closer to the rim and bolt the front center pull brake onto the frame. If it works, that'd be great.

My son wants to ride a bike for exercise. If I buy the Venture, I'll just let him ride this cruiser bike with no engines.

This week should be busy for me. The Staton freewheel sprocket arrived, as well as a Staton output shaft. I'm gonna drill the Staton chain drive box to install the output shaft, which will provide a 5:1 gear reduction to run my 12volt/55watt mini-alternator.

The Mits engine/rear friction drive on "The Dragon Lady" fired up and drove the bike, but the pocket bike engine wouldn't start and the pull start mechanism jammed.

It will be a busy weekend..bld.
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Years ago, when I installed the girlie cruiser's suspension fork and vee brakes, I removed the bike's aftermarket front center-pull brake and set it aside. After some measuring and trial-fits, this center-pull brake almost lined up with the back rim wheni bolted UNDERNEATH and onto the Staton rear mount center hole. When I drilled the seat stay gusset and moved the Staton mount 1" forward....

the aftermarket front center-pull brake bolted onto the Staton center hole and aligned PERFECTLY with the back rim!!!

Woo Hoo!!!

All I have to do is buy the cable and lever and she should be good to go.

Total cost of rear brake install should be less than $15..bld.
My new rear side-pull brake works great; I just needed to buy a new cable for $5. So I have front, rear and coaster brakes.

When I turn both engines off, the resistance drag from both friction drives also slows the bike down.

With brakes in order, "The Dragon Lady" was ready to install its 2.2hp Mitsubishi engines and Happy Time reserve tank and fuel lines. .bld.

Brakes and engines work great. Just need minor adjustments. The tuned pipe on the front engine will move to the rear engine cuz the exhaust blows in my face.

Just in time because I need to ride "The Dragon Lady" to work four times weekly, starting tomorrow. .rd.
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Glad that everything got worked out for you. hanging the break from below works just fine still for me as well. cruisers tend to be the hardest to get a rear break to mount to.

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Jeff, the cable cost $5 and I was good to go. I have a fuel delivery problem from reserve tank to rear engine that needs fixing. Rear engine quit twice to/from work, but front engine faithfully carried me home in the rain, despite friction roller slippage.

I got home soaking wet, but rain couldn't wipe the smile off my face!.rd.
FYI, it's been over a month since I installed an extra rear brake. It works very well, along with front vee brake and coaster brake.dance1

I would recommend anyone with coaster brake to keep it when installing rear side-pull brake. All three brakes work efficiently together. Nothing is gained by eliminating coasters.

Mine will never lock up again because I don't need to jam the coaster pedal anymore..rd.
Honey, it's just a bicycle. and i REALLY need it to excercise, and to ride it to work.(hehe)