How cool can you be with pedals?

Yeah Baby!

I like my 1.6 HP bike way more than my 2.8 HP bike. It's slower and quieter and I can actually pedal if I want at cruising speeds. Pedaling is good exercise.

I am looking forward to the Solex build. Couldn't do 20 if its but was on fire.
When I built my China Girl Kit bike, my wife loved it. Said it looked like an antique motorcycle. I had no idea she knew what one looked like, but she did, Mine was shoehorned into a 24inch sissy schwinn and was just all motor.
I also own both MCs & MBs. The MC's are great for long distance, power & comfort; I even think they are cool.

However, you can customize the heck out of a MB for a lot less $$ and the cool factor is off the charts. I ride my MB a lot more and go places the MC's can't. Plus, can't beat the gas mileage; average MC is 45 MPG; the MB + 100 mpg.

The lady is obviously a MC snob and thinks of MB's having, a cool factor rating of Pee Wee Herman. Feel sorry for her for not knowing the joy of building & riding a MB.
The lady is obviously a MC snob and thinks of MB's having, a cool factor rating of Pee Wee Herman. Feel sorry for her for not knowing the joy of building & riding a MB.

No, no such obviousness about it at all, just the wife of a buddy of mine who happens to be one of the best MC mechanics I've ever known and good people. If she were a real snob I probably wouldn't have posted about it.

I thought it was funny and maybe poke a little fun at myself and any grown men who take it serious about being cool riding a bicycle, lol.