HOOT GearBox replacement?

Dan i wonder if i could go after boygofast through paypal he is still showing the HOOT trans in his auction and sending pocket bike trans. he dose say new upgrade trans but dose not tell or show any thing about it.

so not as describe,
Dunno Vooo but really think we as a community boycott any dealer who sells these well know to fail products. On every one of their webpages, the GB is hidden from view. Really make me angry. It is deliberately misleading the consumer. With our numbers we do have the ability and the need to look out for ourselves and most especially the new builder.
I believe that those will fit the Robin. Bolt hole is the deciding factor as well as clutch diameter. Then width comes into play. Ratio sounds potentially good. Much of the pocket bike and scooter stuff could be employed.
Have 2 Cvt Builds, Happy With Them. The Thread On This Forum Is "CVT RACK MOUNT" Several Pics. Freewheel Sprockets On Rear Axle. Ron .cvlt1 They fit all motors with the 76mm clutch shoes on the crankshaft.
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hi all i have not updated in a bit. so here goes. still running that crap transmission. getting 150 miles out of a chain, before it stretches enough to jump of sprocket. i bought a bunch of chain at a yard sale. so i can keep making chains for it. but i am going to change to the belt drive trans soon.

now have 450 miles and just installed my 3rd chain.
Hey voodoo heres what I did to compensate for chain stretch. Cut a piece of UHMW, drilled hole straight through the UHMW and case then used a 1/4" bolt and nut to secure. Worked fine then the threads on my clutch drum sheared off. So my 4g belt drive is in the mail!!


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Hi And Welcome To The Forum.

That Is The First Time I Have Heard Of The Clutch Drum Shaft Shearing/breaking At The Clutch Drum.

I Wonder If The Clutch Drum Was Bent And Wobbling. That Would Raise Cane With The Brake Shoe`s Etc. I Wonder If That Shaft Can Be Bought? That shaft could be bored on a lathe and threaded, then use an allen set screw to attach clutch drum.

Dan, I don`t remember the 7 speed, he must of sold it, or it is here somewhere!! lol. ron

Good Luck With Your Builds. Keep Us Posted. Ron .cvlt1
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just installed a 4gt grubee subday only have about ten miles on it,have to make some chain adjusts man this thing is so much quieterand very smooth,got it from terry blow, no shipping fee that was nkice thanks terry, frank
Hey voodoo heres what I did to compensate for chain stretch. Cut a piece of UHMW, drilled hole straight through the UHMW and case then used a 1/4" bolt and nut to secure. Worked fine then the threads on my clutch drum sheared off. So my 4g belt drive is in the mail!!

hi thanks for the info. i see yours has the double chain. and it still stretched? i have a box with one chain and i stenches a lot. let me know how the g4 trans works out.

Yes, Thanks For The Update. It Is Easy For The Drum To Get Bent. Be Sure To Check The One On The 4 G Also. I Think Somebody Sells A Machined Clutch Drum, I Think It Is In A Kit. I Am Surprised We Don`t Hear Of This More Often. . Ron . cvlt1

Not To Drag This Out, But Is It The Threads Stripped Or The Threaded Hub Broke Loose ?? Your Picture Looks Like The Pressed In/welded Hub Broke Out. I Have Several Different Style Tranny`s With The 78mm Clutch Drum. I Usually Spin Them By Turning The Chain Sprocket. Most Of Them Have A Bit Of Wobble. That Is Like Bending A Piece Of Wire Back And Forth Until It Breaks.

Not Wanting To "rant" , Just Info On Pontential Problems.

Thanks For Posting So We All Understand. "Happy Trail`s"! Ron
The early reports on the new Grubee belt drive indicate that it is not going to bolt up to the Honda or its clone. The new belt drive is designed to fit the clone where the left side of the motor is like the Dax Titan. The word is that eventually the belt drive will be made in a version that will fit the Honda but when it will be available is the big question and also will Birddog be bringing them in to the U.S. The other thing about the new belt drive is the extra width. The 4-strokes with a gearbox are currently pushing 9 in. wide. The new 4-Gen Belt system from grubee appears to be pushing 11-12 in width. Jason from Birddog has a new thread over in the land of OZ showing this new system on a rack mount with some close-up photos were the added width can really be seen clearly.


HI there Looks like I have to rescue the 4Gs rep one more time. The 4G replacement trans for the Honda GXH-50 5/8 shaft has been on the market for months now I put up a post all about it in the swap shop a long time ago. And NO they did not make it wider in-fact the trans is now 3/4 of an inch more narrow than the standard 4G kit. The standard 4G is 10 3/4 inches wide the new trans for the Honda or 5/8 shaft mounted to the engine measures out to READY FOR THIS 10 inches wide narrow enough that you can now use the not so wide one piece wide crank. These transmissions will work on the Honda GXH-50 5/8 shaft and the Huasheng 142F-cc 49cc 5/8 shaft here are some pictures


T Belt Drive.jpg

Hope this helps
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just installed a 4gt grubee subday only have about ten miles on it,have to make some chain adjusts man this thing is so much quieterand very smooth,got it from terry blow, no shipping fee that was Nice thanks terry, frank

Really Glad to hear you like it I have sold a few that had cc bushing problems even had one that the clutch pins where not pressed in all the way
All he had to do was tap with a hammer and he was back on the road. But that is only two out of about 30 so far all 30 are happy

where can i buy one of those gearboxes for cheap? i found one for $55 but i think its the older crappy model and it doesn't include the clutch. and i don't know what kind of clutch to buy for it.
where can i buy one of those gearboxes for cheap? i found one for $55 but i think its the older crappy model and it doesn't include the clutch. and i don't know what kind of clutch to buy for it.

I do not recommend a hoot gear box as a replacement I do recommend a Qmatic drive, let me know if you want one.
If not you should contact Quenton Guenther [email protected] he will sell you a hoot gear box if you are crazy enough to waste your money on one.
I hope this helps you
I concur with Terry!! The hoot is worth more as scrap. The Q-matic is quiet and reliable, have about 800miles on mine now never a problem, a bit pricey but TOTALLY sweet. Just my 2 cents worth.

I concur with Terry!! The hoot is worth more as scrap. The Q-matic is quiet and reliable, have about 800miles on mine now never a problem, a bit pricey but TOTALLY sweet. Just my 2 cents worth.


Thank you it is always nice to have some backup