Thank you guys I put a lot of time in on these videos and get nothing in return the video on the cam took me 6 hours to do.
Not sure what that guys problem is I am still running my bike with it that way if it didn't work for me I would not have posted it
Good to see there are at lease a few good people left in here this will be the last help post on this forum from me.
I'm tired of the people that have nothing better to do than b i t c h about free information.
So figure this crap out your self and quit leaning on other people to figure it out for you.
wow terry i will never buy off you again with a statement like what you just wrote... some guy my name is locutus_1 dont reduce me to a nobody ive bought tons of things from you been nice to you and this is how you treat me.. terrible business practice it is to write something like this it really is...
your blameing me for free info.. the info is required to install the cam how hard is that to understand you sell a product give us the wrong info possibly ****ing up or motors and you have the never to say its free info.. and you wont even address me you adress the others. talk about a slap in the face of a customer.. the other people dont see it but i sure as **** do youve reduced me to "someguy"
maybe you should not do this anymore.. guys if your watching terry dosent make these cams or carbs or anything on his site hes only a drop shipper he buys off other companies that we can buy from too so from now on i wont be buying off you since you showed your true colors
"leaning on other people" funny when i purchase something from you you outght to be there to help.. next time you decide to sell something do research before sending it out and dont wait 2 months to make a video on a product that 5 or more people bought to use us to test it out and gain your expeirence from us on our dollar and time...
im am just shocked at the attitude you presented just now.. and it took you 6 hours to pull a small cover off an engine that had no tranny and you said its a testing motor... another lie right there whole thing takes about 2 hours tops..
what kind of seller are you for pete sake surprised others let you sell their product.. if i were agk and i saw this post i would have a stern talking to you
"youget nothing in return" how about our money we paid you for these cams etc we buy your product even though its not yours and you only order it
so everyone reading this again just go to the source agk sells stuff from their website and engines grubee distrubutors ebay you name it
and many of you think im a jerk oh terrys a nice guy etc ive never had problems... im the type of person to not let people like terry demean me or others so far 4 of you treated me like i dont know anything.. turns out i was right... now im not tooting my horn just to say i told you so im sticking up formyself and others... who come across this guy..
btw terry youve done this kind of talk to another guy in youtube jumped on his case for something cant remember what it was but i remember you doing the same thing..
this post proves him other wise.. when i ran my business and i ran one for 20 years i never spoke to a customer this way always made sure i did the right thing helped them out even if i did something and didnt charge that makes them come back for more services..
"your tired of people *****ing" well terry maybe you should do something right for once.. you could have destroyed motors but oh well you dont care even though you apologized.. it took me to bring it up for you to find out it was wrong in the first place.. and i get no thanks for it im the bad guy because i went agains a person who sells us stuff...
i will not help anyone on this forum either it has been nothing but a hastle from a few bad apples here that dont know how to talk and treat people...
you know who you are....