

New Member
hello everyone

my name is mike, I just ordered a bike from Spookytooth and it should be in here in a few weeks. looking for some riders in Tempe/Phoenix.
i got the black chopper, black springer frame, chrome apes 15inch, 48 cc
I can't wait to post some pictures.

I am totally psyched! Im only able to afford the 'tooth because of a fat settlement check via car insurance.

happy to see some responses!
welcome to the site. sounds like a real nice motorized bicycle. look forward to seeing pictures and hearing about your adventures. welcome and glad to have you with us
Hola mi amigo (^) Glad to see you have came over :D Welcome to the forum
You are going to love it here, great people, great advice, lot's of ideal's and plenty of thing's to learn.
Once in a while I ride my MB to phoenix area, will keep you posted. I would love to be part of your portfolio. I've got my bike torn down right now I've got some new wheels on the way.
Welcome to the forum. I think you'll like it here. Lots of motorize bicycle enthusiasts here from all over the country........................
I wish I could have afforded to buy a complete bike. I have had a ball building and rebuilding and rebuilding my bike, but I would also have loved to just unpack it and take off to.

Welcome and have fun with you bike.