History from British Columbia, Canada.


Well-Known Member
I'm posting this for you. Please forward it to your canoe club.

Native tribes in Canada are referred to First Nations simply because they were the first nations here. Here on the West Coast travel was done for the most part by very large dug out cedar canoes. The canoes you are going to see are not fibreglass, they are cedar logs carved out to a wall thickness of 3/4". They were up to 60' long and before iron tools they were burnt out on the inside and scraped to get to fresh wood and the process repeated until they reached the desired thickness. The outsides were shaped with stone axes and scrapers and the painting was done with natural dyes.

Holes were drilled in the sides and the thickness gauged and when everything was correct they were plugged.

When they White man came looking for furs, first the Russians then everyone else the missionaries proclaimed many of the practises Heathen and the old lifestyle was put aside and only spoken about and practised quietly with great penalties if they were caught. Look up Potlatches.

Now Canada is on a mission to teach languages spoke by one or two people or a dozen or so elders to younger tribal members and others who wish to learn them. Traditional lands are being returned to tribal governance. Old ceremonies long forbidden are being encouraged. Ancient histories are being revived.

I believe the clan totem on the front of the canoe is to signify they are from the Wolf Clan.

This video is from our government owed radio and TV station, CBC or The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

I hope you enjoy it.


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