Hi there!

Personally my first thought was that 65 dollars was a lot!
What is the 3 step billing process?

I dont know what the value of $65 is where you're at but, here in the US that is probably half or less than half of what most would charge to install a kit on a bike, if they do it right and upgrade the mounting studs and then take the bike on at last two or three test rides to double check everything to make sure nothing rattles loose or has any leaks around the gaskets.

What some people fail to understand is that there is more to doing an install right than just bolting everything on, honestly many kids can do that part, but getting things set up correctly for safety and reliability is another story and if the person doing the install has not done any before and has no experience with these engines, there will likely be some bugs that will need to be worked out before the bike is completely safe and as reliable as it can be.

A better quality intake gasket and the carb will need to most likely be re-jetted are just a couple other things that will need to be done along with upgraded mounting hardware ( bolts/studs).

Not trying to sound negative at all here but these are just the facts of a correct install that will be as trouble free as possible.

Best wishes.
