Hi new fan in arizona!


New Member
Hi im Scott!
I'm planning on buying a motor bike, but not sure where I can ride it. I was planning on using it maybe for work/school commute but I doubt it could keep up with traffic in central phoenix my 150cc scooter can barely at times. Even though the speed limits 40mph people drive 50+mph during rush hour ha. I love the old harley's/scoots that look like bikes would totally love to make a imitation! My mechanical skills are low, but im learning slowly haha! Wish I knew how to weld and stuff seems like that's the trend in modding haha! anyways sites great thanks!!
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try spooky tooth they are located it in bisbee check their web site i am sure they could help you with any questions that you may haveabout riding in phonix also welcome to the forum

Where to ride is easy, anywhere a bicycle can go. Just make some smart decisions. Like Bell Road is a really bad idea, but I do ride on it, ocassionally. Paradise Ln is by far better and only a couple blocks south of Bell. Union Hills is a really nice road, so is Greenway. What I find is that the streets a 1/2 mile off of the major roads really are a lot safer. I don't know what part of Phoenix you are in so can't tell you specifically which ones to avoid, although I would say to stay off 7th Ave and 7st and its reversible lane area.

I stick to my part of town so Happy Valley to Dunlap and 32nd St to 67th Ave is what I know best on my bike.
Welcome to the forum.
You can ride bike lanes in AZ and no tag or license required if you stay under 20mph.
Motorized bicycles are mechanically simple compared to your 150 scooter so it's a good way to learn mechanical and troubleshooting skills.