Hi, I'm Clyde


New Member
I've been motorizing bikes and other contraptions all my life but have only begun using bike engine kits about 3 months ago. It's a different ballgame. I purchased a 4 stroke kit and half of the parts were missing or the wrong parts, so it has taken me this long to round up all the correct parts and install the kit on my Schwinn. I finished today and took the bike for a test drive. I made it around the block once and was doing ok. On the second round, a pin or key sheared off on the small gear inside that turns the final drive sprocket. I was supposed to have gotten a different gear box on this Hua Sheng engine, but the seller sent me the much more inferior JL Hoot kit with a very bad gearbox. I'm now hoping to find out which gearbox out there is higher quality and how I can get one that will bolt on to this engine. Looking inside this JL Hoot's gearbox, it wreaks of poor quality. Hopefully I can find something better.
My bike is a Schwinn Point Beach.
hi clyde!
good luck with that
i almost went with the same bike but i got the jaguar instead
the fenders scared me off i hear some horror stories about them :(
but i do want that rack!
im just gonna have to use a chrome one frome my bike shop though.
welcome to the site
hi clyde!
good luck with that
i almost went with the same bike but i got the jaguar instead
the fenders scared me off i hear some horror stories about them :(
but i do want that rack!
im just gonna have to use a chrome one frome my bike shop though.
welcome to the site

I think the fenders come off with a phillips screw and a couple of support brackets. I don't care much about looks, just dependability, and the fenders would keep the mud off my face and back on wet roads. If I had it to do over again, I'd get a cruiser with no derailleurs since with the kit installed, pedaling doesn't work out too great anyway. But then, I'd probably have to deal with that pesky coaster brake getting in the way of the sprocket kit.
hi clyde!
good luck with that
i almost went with the same bike but i got the jaguar instead
the fenders scared me off i hear some horror stories about them :(
but i do want that rack!
im just gonna have to use a chrome one frome my bike shop though.
welcome to the site

I did get to wondering what kind of horrors fenders would provide. Never heard anything like that before. Only issue I had was the chain cleared the rear fender but slapped it a little, which can get real loud. I just bent it inward and fixed the problem.
hi clyde and welcome. i added fenders to mine which i needed because i use the motorized bicycle to commute back and forth to work. as long as you relize they can hurt you if they come loose that is what is important. check them often and fix the mounts the moment they look like they may be going bad if you decide to keep them. it is something i check after and before every ride. thats a good looking ride. i like red. glad to have you with us
Welcome to the forum. Lots of motorized bicycle enthusiasts here. You got a nice looking bike...........................
Hi Clyde, I'm Tomas! First post so I'm not sure how this thing works.

My first bike is a 2 stroke, it's ok but I was hoping for a smoother operation so I got one of the Chinese 4 stroke kits like you have. The engine seems ok but the choke (flimsy plastic) came snapped off. The rest of the kit seems pretty much junk.

My question is -- the engine is so much wider than the 2 stroke that none of my 3 bikes' pedals will clear the engine. How did you do that? The parts that came in the kit seem designed for the old fashioned 3 piece crank -- haven't seen one of those lately.