Hi Guys! New Member

Biker Mike

New Member
I've been checking out the site for a while and like what I see. You guys ROCK. I have learned a lot about these kits just reading your posts. I have three bikes as of now and plan to build more. Man, I really have fun putting these together and ridding them. My wife and 76 year old father ride with me. Thanks for all the great tips. I hope to meet and talk with each of you thru the many different threads over time. Looking forward to making new friends. ttyl....(c)
Welcome to the forum. I bet you'll be an asset to our little group of motorized bicycle enthusiasts.......................:ride2:
hello mike and welcome! thats awesome you have you dad and wife to ride with. my wife dosn't know how to ride a regular bicycle let alone a motorized bicycle. we have fun here and learn things also. look forward to seeing your rides and glad to have you with us (^)
Thanks for the welcome guys. This seems like a great community you have going here. I look forward to being a small part of it. I only hope I can contribute a fraction of what you guys do. Thanks again.
Thanks for the welcome Red and Joe. I live in Cropwell Alabama on Logan Martin Lake. Its a great little place to ride.(^) Looking forward to talking and sharing ideas with you guys. Dad just replaced the exhaust gasket (blown) on his bike and is buzzing the house right now. I guess I'll have to get on mine and run him down for supper time. (he can't hear with that cut off muffler) GRIN.....:ride2::ride2:
Hey and ty for the welcome Deacon. I'll try to get dad to check out the site but he thinks computers are pure EVIL. Sometimes I think he may be right...(smile). But now that he he got his first motor bike off the computer, he may have a slight change of heart....(new trick and all). We'll see. ttyl rotfl
let your dad know that most of us including me are 50 yrs old plus and suck on the computer lol. but it is a great place to learn and share and meet new friends. i was like him and thought these stinking things were pure evil which they can be but also can be a wealth of knowledge if used properly.
Sounds like you have bonded with your computer there Deacon...Hope that works out for ya. Things can take a turn for the worse REAL FAST with these things :-||. That's one benefit to being married to a computer specialist. Repairs are just a shout away (^).
ah but I have been building and repairing them for years... Yeah my wife says that too lol
That's good info to have Deacon. It's always good to have a back up plan for when she is out of town. I may be calling on ya when this thing starts going bazerk on me. Sometimes I don't have a clue (?).
i call one of my daughters to help me. i try to see what they are doing but they type so fast and explaine so fast i am clueless and i hate hearing "oh thats easy dad"
I can't tell you how many times I've herd that one (oh, thats easy dad). My son is a programmer and flaunts it every chance he gets. Are all computer nerds like that? I was hoping he would grow out of it, oh well. :-{