Hi from the Deep South!


New Member
Been reading here for awhile, so I decided to join in. I picked up 2 Zip Cycle friction drives a few months ago. I have really enjoyed tinkering and riding but, They are slow. I am thinking about selling one and building up another bike with a nice Sachs 4 hp 2 cycle engine I have. I will post more as I figure out what route to take with my build. Later, Milo. P.S. There are some great motorbikes on this forum.
Welcome to the forum. You've joined a good bunch of people and a great hobby. Have fun, ride careful.
Heya Milo, hows it hangin? Welcome to the leading resource(maybe my opinion, but I ran around online forever, and don't look anywhere else now) on motorized Bikes. You'll find a plethora of great idea's and people here!
My wife has a brother in Starkville.
She has an aunt and uncle in Tupelo.
Her parents are in Heidelburg (sp?).
She had an aunt in Biloxi that had survived hurricane Camille, but had to
move to Alabama after Katrina claimed her house. (the house that survived Camille!)
She has cousins here and there.

There was a post on this site (or the other one) from a guy that was going to ride his motor bike
along the entire Natchez Trace and wanted to see if anybody else was interested. Maybe you can find it with the search tool.
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