Hi from Denmark


New Member
Hi guys thought that ive been lurking in the shadows long enough so i its apropriate for me to introduce my self.
Im a 23 yo male from denmark, im a studdying to become a officer on merchant vessels.
ive been messing around with 2strokes since age 7 and presently i ovn 5 lightmotorcycles/mopeds and 4 motorcycles.
ive always been curious about theese small happy time engines and at the present time my plan is use the old danish made mopedframe in the attached pic to make a light motor(bi)cycle, but i will start a thread about it later.

best regards Skou

hmm seems like i cant ad a picture direktly from my pc so no pic then
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Welcome skou, after a few posts you can post pictures and links. We do it that way to keep the spammers out. Glad you joined us.........................
ok only tried to do it because some of you on the chat encouraged me to ad the pic of my frame because its a bit special
Welcome Skou,

I was the one of the one's doing the encouraging. All you need to do to become active is say hi to like 3 people in this section. (not a mod so I'm guessing at how many)

You can post pics like this: http://motorbicycling.com/f30/how-post-pictures-7572.html#post74624

If they are medium size you can so this (also works in the chatbox):
